Thursday, September 10, 2015

Meal Prepping 101

If I was to give you only a few tips on what leads to long-term success in one’s fitness journey, they would be consistency, hard-work and preparation. The first two should be self-explanatory.

First, you must stay consistent with your exercise and nutrition. We will veer off course every so often, but keeping these “slip ups” to a minimum and always moving forward towards your goal can be the difference between seeing the results you desire vs. seeing little to no progress at all.

Second, it is going to be WORK. Whether you desire to run a marathon, lose weight, compete in a competition or squat 200 pounds, you will have to WORK AT IT. The secret is there is no secret. You will have days where you just want to sit in bed, eat ice cream and watch Netflix (now while I don’t advocate doing this on a regular basis, every now and then I think it can be good for the mind and the soul). Those who are successful push through when it gets hard and consistently put in the work.

So what about preparation. How can we best prepare ourselves to be successful in achieving our fitness goals? Having a solid training program with a specific goal is important. If you are trying to lose weight, run a marathon, be a powerlifter and do 15 pullups all at once, you are likely spinning in the mud. Choose a focus goal and devise a plan based on the desired outcome (this is where professional guidance is key. If you do not have a background in exercise or proper programming I highly suggest reaching out to a fitness professional for help).

We have now nailed down that you must be consistent, work hard and have a solid training program in place in order to progress. Now what if I told you about 70-80% of your results (specifically in relation to fat loss/muscle building) can be attributed to nutrition? We all know the cliché saying “you cannot out train a bad diet”. Well they were right on the mark.

Now what if I told you I did have a secret when it comes to the nutrition arena? This secret will take a bit of effort, but pay off 10-fold. It will simplify your life, keep you from binging on everything in your fridge while deciding what to make for lunch and help you walk past the donuts and bagels at work. (I know you are all envisioning this great new appetite suppressant/ metabolism enhancing magic pill). Sorry to disappoint, but this secret is MEAL PREPPING.

To sum up “meal prepping” for those outside the fitness world- meal prepping consists of cooking items in advance (either portions of or entire meals) to be consumed over the next few days. This is especially helpful for those with busy schedules or individuals who are away from the home most of the day.

The benefits of prepping in advance are numerous, but here are the main ones.
  • More free time- you may spend more time on the weekend (or meal prep day) cooking, chopping, washing, etc. but over the course of the week you will spend much less time on these items (think that you are consolidating the tasks, only cleaning your kitchen once, etc.)
  • Less chance of hitting the drive through- we have all been there. Busy, hungry, tired, cannot imagine the thought of even boiling water. This is when we make that quick stop at the quickest take-out spot and likely order something that is a little less than “healthy”.
  • Healthier choices- when prepping your meals you are able to cook batches of whole, real, nutrient dense foods. This means less reliance on packaged, convenience/processed items. Think cooking a pot of rice vs. using the microwave or boxed versions, grilling chicken breasts instead of using store bout rotisserie chicken or making your own sweet potato fries vs. using the bagged, frozen, oil-coated ones.
  • Less waste- when you prep food in advance and plan your meals ahead of time less food goes to waste. You buy what you need for the week instead of aimlessly walking through the grocery store and grabbing anything calling your name (this specifically pertains to perishable items such as dairy and meats and items that can spoil quickly like fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Save money- this of course follows the “less waste” benefit (don’t throw your dollars in the trash!) but also the premise that you will eat out less and rely on fewer of those convenience items that tend to be more expensive.

So great, now you see the benefits of meal prepping, but what is the best way to go about this? There are multiple strategies, and I will share some that have worked the best for me over the years.

First, plan your menu. Decide what your meals and snacks will consist of. Do an inventory of your cupboards, fridge and pantry to see which items you already have on hand and which you need to pick-up.

Next, formulate your grocery list. Also be specific on the amounts you need so you can cut down on waste. I like to divide my grocery list into sections of the store which makes for quicker, easier shopping (and less running back and forth across the store).

Often I will have to go to two or three grocery stores to get all my items (why can’t one store have everything?!). Shopping earlier in the day will help you avoid crowds and have a better selection of items to choose from.

Block out 2-3 hours of time to do your prep. I cook all of my animal proteins (think chicken, turkey, fish, lean meats, etc.), grains (brown rice, quinoa, etc.) and some vegetables (squashes, peppers, zucchini) so they are ready to go. Other items to make ahead include hard boiled eggs, any sauces or dressings you be preparing and using (hummus, salad dressing, etc.) and if applicable homemade protein bars, pancakes, waffles etc. that make for easy, on the go options.

It is also helpful to wash and prep your produce. This includes chopping lettuce for salads, slicing cucumbers, carrots and celery for snacks and dicing vegetables that you can toss in a stir fry. Do keep in mind that some produce will spoil more quickly after it is washed, so be mindful of when you will consume these items. I often prep delicate veggies and fruits a maximum of three days in advance.

Once all of my items are cooked, I portion my meals for the next three days. This is where the Tupperware and Ziploc baggies come in handy. If you are concerned about the plastic, use glass containers and reusable BPA free bags. Having these ready to go will leave you less likely to reach for the chips or cookies when hunger strikes.

Food safety and “how long does it last?” come into play here. For cooked proteins try to keep them in the fridge no more than 3 days (4 max). Grains can last up to 5. This is where your freezer is your best friend. Portion and freeze your proteins and grains so you can pull them out towards the end of the week.

An example of a meal prep schedule would be:
  • Sunday- shop for and prep foods. Portion meals for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, freezing any extras.
  • Tuesday evening- take out frozen items to thaw.
  • Wednesday evening- make meals for the remainder of the week. Some prefer to do this just for Thursday and Friday if they will be around the house on the weekend, or for the rest of the week if they will be out and about all weekend.

There you have it, meal prepping 101. I wish I could tell you reheated food is as good as fresh- but that’s just not the case. Personally however, with a busy schedule it is not always feasible to cook items directly before consuming. There is certainly a little give and take with meal prepping, but to me, the benefits far outweigh the costs (or should I say, less cost!). I’ll leave you with a few of my tricks I have found handy.

  • Use your crockpot! This can be to prep your meats on “Meal Prep Day” or to start in the morning for a delicious dinner when you get home from work. Overnight oatmeal in the crockpot is a great way to ensure you have a quick, easy, ready-to-go breakfast.
  • Prep enough variety, but not too much- can you reuse brown rice from your tacos on Monday for an Asian Stir-fry on Wednesday? How about your flank steak that was served with mashed potatoes, can you add it to a fajita? Think about how you can cook once for multiple meals.
  • Keep staples on hand- having items in your pantry that will compliment your already prepared proteins and grains is crucial. Think low sugar marinara sauces, coconut aminos, vinegars, healthy oils, beans, etc.
  • Not all veggies freeze well- if you are looking to freeze vegetables, stick to those with a lower water content (think green beans, not zucchini). Blanch them first in boiling water, shock them in ice water for a short time, and then spread in a single layer on a cookie sheet to freeze.
  • Use a chalk marker to label meals- These are available at most. I used to use a sharpie on my lids or a piece of tape to label what was in the container, the date or what meal it was for. Not anymore! The chalk washes right off.
  • Simplify your mornings- I have my crockpot oatmeal prepped and ready to go when I get back from my workout. I add stevia and cinnamon then pack it for the day. I also have my fruit portioned out so all that remains is my protein. Reheated eggs just don’t do it for me, so I have my 4 whites and 1 yolk in a container ready to be cooked, then I scramble it up and I’m out the door.
  •  For busy mornings when I don’t have time to cook, I make a protein pancake the night before (combining my serving of oats, berries or banana and egg whites in a bowl then cooking on the stovetop like a pancake). These are delicious hot or cold, especially topped with nut  and cinnamon.
  • Consider meal prepping even if you work from home- on days when I know I will be swamped with “at home” work I prep my meals for the day. This saves me time but also keeps me on track. We all know when we are tired/stressed it is easy to just grab whatever is available and easy. No excuses this way!

Need help with meal ideas, meal prepping strategies, recipes or other nutritional guidance? Contact me at or check-out for packages and rates.

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